
Eachine Teardown: Inside the cheapest quad ever

The market has exploded with ready to fly quads and the eachine is setting its self apart by offering some great points of difference,

Spinning: The eachine is headless and spins faster then anything we have ever seen.
Price: It claims to be the lowest priced quad in the market and yet not the smallest.
We take a close up look at what is in the Eachine H8 and see what bang for your buck is waiting in this new mini quad.

Inside the H8

Opening up there are 8 screws, one near each motor and one on each corner of PCB. The case is 2 parts and once unscrewed the bottom detaches from the top. Like most in this size it is a single PCB and 4 motors all connected via solder joints, it has a unique star shape as the orientation LED's are solider right on the tip. No delicate pins or clips, it is simple to take apart.

The top board is packing most of the components, there is 3 main chips, 4 motor controller transistors and a frequency srystal that make up the complex flight control and receiver.

Invensence MPU 6050-A3 Axis Gyro and 3 axis acelerometer, used also in cellphones it combines both sensors in one chip. And can be sourced for about $6.

I wanted to do a basic component cost breakdown  but unfortunately we couldn’t find any info on the “F130GB SEP2666 AM1450″ or the “XN297 1443″, if you know, leave a comment and we will update the analysis.
The top board

Bottom side of PCB

The Battery
The great thing about the H8 is the removable battery, they are small 150mAh Li-po. That meas you can stock up quite cheaply and have a decent amount of flight time per session.

The controller

Similar to the Cheerson CX-10 on the outside, in the inside it also is quite similar and has the same cicuit layout. The main case is 2 pieces and held in by 2 screws on the back, the PCB is held tightly to the top controller case with 4 screws. I was a bit rough pulling off the joysticks abd broke the left stick.

If you are familiar with the controller antennae mod then this has a removable white plate that can easily be drilled or just simply removed to accommodate a longer antennae or by just bedning the internal wire straight. The quad does have this antennae wire so the mod can also be done to the top canopy by drilling a small hole and poking the antennae through.

Eachine are really pushing the value barrier as the pure cost of production, parts, packaging and shipping must cost less then $13. Even with massive economies of scale how anything could be turning profits for such a low price amazes me.

If you are gagging to try one yourself we have them here for less then $15. If you have something you want to see torn down or if you know more then me about some of these chips let me know. Happy flying.

